Fashion, Faith Serena Mushigo Fashion, Faith Serena Mushigo

Relationship and Style: The Unseen Link

What do Kim Kardashian and Sofia Ritchie have in common? Maybe a little or maybe a lot. Both socialites, social media influencers, and businesswomen. That’s not where the overlapping stops. We’re not just talking about social circles but, the fact they’ve both been included in the discourse on the impacts that relationships, in particular romantic ones, have on style.

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Faith Serena Mushigo Faith Serena Mushigo

Before I do: A Single’s Girl Guide

I do. Two words that many of us wait to hear from a very young age. We’ve fantasised about the ideal wedding day, populated our notebooks with doodles with potential future surnames, and have dedicated Pinterest boards capturing the perfect wedding aesthetic. Every little detail has been well thought out and planned.

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Faith Serena Mushigo Faith Serena Mushigo

7 Truths About You According to the Bible

We can be hard on ourselves. We can allow situations and even people to define who we are. This can be confusing or impact your sense of identity that isn’t even God-given. If not’s God-given then it’s not the truth and it would be fair to say that if it’s not the truth, then it’s a lie.

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Faith Serena Mushigo Faith Serena Mushigo

Zoe Alexandra: How I Found My Identity in Christ

Vie Magazine interviews Christian entrepreneur, life coach, and podcasted Zoe Alexandra. We go over the topic of identity in Christ, faith, and confidence in who God says who you are. We also look at at what it means to be a woman of faith.

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