Putting the Life back into lifestyle

Simply put… we’re a Christian lifestyle magazine.

Eloquenty put Vie, meaning life in french, is the name aptly selected that also describes the focus of this magazine: which is life and life in abundance. It’s about life in all its glory, facets, as well as it’s highs and lows, because without those moments we wouldn’t be who we are today.

Faith, Fashion, Beauty and Food. All parts of life, all parts of everyday and all parts of vie.

The shadow of a woman laughing and smiling

Our mission

The mission is simple. Create media for the females of this current generation, that will align them with a lifestyle that glorifies God in all that they do. That they discover God’s perfect will for them, which He has hidden within them but, in plain sight. For it is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the glory of kings to seek a matter out.

God doesn't want parts of us, but He wants all of us. He wants our everyday. He wants our lifestyle.

The enemy has worked overtime to get women out of alignment with God’s plans and will for us. I want Vie to help recalibrate what it is to be a godly woman in today’s society. Media is a huge part of the inculcation and educating of this generation, let me use the very tools and swords the enemy has used BUT GOD CREATED to counter the enemy.

Jesus is the life… so let’s put Him back into lifestyle.

Make it stand out.

A picture paints a thousand words, what about a video?

Watch this video on the mission and vision of VIE.

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Beauty & Lifestyle