7 Truths About You According to the Bible

We can be hard on ourselves. We can allow situations and even people to define who we are. This can be confusing or impact your sense of identity. If it’s not God-given then it’s not the truth and it would be fair to say that if it’s not the truth, then it’s a lie.

The only way to counteract lies is with the truth of God. So, for days when you don’t feel your best or you don’t feel like you know who you are… read the below. Meditate on the below. Believe the below. Allow this information to become a revelation, and eventually, you’ll walk into its reality.

1 —

“You are a new creation in Christ” 

2 Corinthians 5:17. It’s easy to think about former things, whether things done well or things done wrong. It’s even easier to believe that those moments define you, that your past is an identifier. Well, according to the Bible and this verse, when you’re born again you’re a brand new person. Those old patterns are done away with if, you walk in your new identity in Christ.

2 —

You are fearfully and wonderfully made

Psalm 139:14-15. This doesn’t just make a great Instagram bio or a pretty tattoo, this is something that should be etched on your heart. It’s the idea that your creator created you with honor, reverence, and intentionally. If you live like that, you begin to create standards for yourself.

3 —

You are the head and not the tail

Deuteronomy 28:13. Don’t belittle yourself and don’t allow anyone to belittle you either. You’ve been created to be victorious. The head is often symbolic of authority which is a given when your father is a King. Walk in the authority God has given you, in the area God has entrusted you in. Believe that life doesn’t happen to you but you are happening to life.

4 —

You are loved by God

John 3:16. Easily the most important thing for you to know. When you know you’re loved and accepted it changes your perspective and lens. You no longer strive for the acceptance of others, you no longer view yourself as less, and you no longer disqualify yourself from blessings. If the King of kings loves you… then, baby, you’re worthy of love!

5 —

You are not overlooked

Matthew 5:14 says that “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.” God has hidden His light in you for the world to see. You radiate His goodness, excellence, and, glory. Though you may be hidden for a season, you’re not overlooked. In times when God hides you He is working in you and through you. There’ll come a time when you’ll have to “arise and shine”.

6 -

You are chosen

God has chosen you (1 Peter 2:9). He has set you apart for a reason, and you are called for a time such as this. He has called you His own and wants you to walk in that knowledge. When you know you’re chosen by the Most High, the approval of man means nothing. You’re chosen for a purpose and that is to be His.

7 -

You are precious

Because you are precious in my eyes and honored, and I love you, I give men in return for you, people in exchange for your life (Isaiah 43:4). This is what God says concerning you. You mean the world to Him and He would do anything for you. Including leaving the 99 and most importantly… He would leave the glories of heaven, become man, and die FOR YOU. That’s how precious you are to Him

You’re an amazing person but, don’t take my word for it. Take God’s.


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The Inseparable Connection: The Inseparable Connection: Fashion and Identity