Ysabella Grace Sent

Hi Ysabella, please introduce yourself for those that don’t know you. What do you do and how did you get into it?

My name is Ysabella Grace and I'm a streamer/gamer who loves Jesus. I am a Twitch host for Charlotte Tilbury, I stream COD on my own Twitch channel in my free time and I also interview artists sometimes. I got into gaming when I was really young. I used to have a Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, PSP and PS2. I got into it properly when my parents bought my brother an XBOX 360 and I played Halo Reach and COD: Modern Warfare II. I immediately got hooked and over the years played so much that I was improving in skill. I would say that I took gaming seriously around 2022 where I used to stream on the side while working from home but when I got made redundant I took it on full time and then I got scouted to work for Charlotte Tilbury and then also signed to a gaming organisation that opened doors for me to interview prolific people in the music industry.

What does being sent mean to you? How does influence how you do what you do?

Being 'sent' is KNOWING the Sender. It is knowing the One who gives you purpose, who gives the assignment and the One who knows you and all your flaws and insecurities and yet still decides to choose you to carry out His will. Being sent is understanding that we don't do things just for the sake of it on this earth, but in everything we do it because there is a purpose. There is a reason why I am a gamer, there is a reason why I got into rooms that my CV could not get me in, there is a reason why people saw me and saw something great. In everything I do, I am reminded that I was sent here on an assignment and that is to do God's will and bring Him glory. I am empowered to go into these spaces and not have imposter syndrome BECAUSE I know that I am sent. BECAUSE I am sent, I know that there is provision, I know that there is backing from heaven and I know that God is with me throughout because He has sent me.

How did you know you were called into this space? What were the signs?

I knew I was called into this space when I recognised the grace over my life to speak to people from different backgrounds and different journeys in their life. I realised I had a way of speaking with so many different people that came to my stream and speaking to them about my faith in such an organic way that it didn't feel forced and it didn't feel like I was pushing an agenda to them. It came very naturally. I had all sorts of confirmation from not only the peace that I had whenever I would enter these secular places but also encouragement from some of my friends who would see the bigger picture in what God was trying to do in the industries I was involved in whether that was the music industry or gaming industry.

I never saw myself interviewing anyone let alone interviewing some of the most famous artists that I grew up listening to, there was a way in which I knew I could be in those spaces and be unwavering and also not compromise my faith. I had a peace and a confirmation that this is where God wants me and that He trusts me to continue elevating me. It's so cool because even if I don't mention God to people immediately, they would follow me on Instagram and see that I love Jesus just through my posts which starts conversation! Even praying on stream, playing gospel music and encouraging my viewers with bible verses! It is really understanding that you move with a grace and an anointing in the space you're called to. It's not only something that YOU notice, but everyone around you, whether they are believers or not. People cannot deny the gift!

What obstacles and or struggles did you face in spite of knowing you were sent? How did you overcome them?

I definitely faced some obstacles, there were times where I was tempted to be like the world. Sometimes I slip up and sound like the world or want to look like the world, when you are in the industry there is a certain image that you feel like you need to have. Expensive materialistic things and body shape. Reading Ecclesiastes and Proverbs really helped me keep grounded when it came to worrying about materialistic things that don't even matter.

Having time to even reflect on your 'why' when you feel like this helps. Maybe I felt this way because I felt like if I looked a certain way then I would receive more attention from people and this would open doors for me. This is a worldly way of thinking because in these industries we know that pretty privilege is a thing. A Christian however doesn't have to worry about how they look because they know that it's the WISDOM of God that puts them in spaces. It is God who opens the eyes of men to promote you.

As a content creator there were many times I felt burnt out, it's not easy being a streamer because you feel guilty for even having a day off. You feel as if you're missing out on money if you don't stream or produce content. I felt as if I was in bondage to it for months. I remember one month I was sick and I was forced to rest, I felt so guilty and was even sad I missed out on some opportunities as I struggled with a cough that couldn't allow me to speak. I had a peace in my heart because God reminded me that it is through Him that I would be promoted, it's not through these events. It was an act of faith, sacrificing a month of streaming, something I really trusted to be my provider and source. As soon as I gave Him my worries, when I had that month of rest I was elevated to a higher level. I felt shift in seasons, I felt as if I was entering new territory.

Another big one was what people thought of me, I've had other Christians questioning my relationship with God and my walk thinking that I've gone worldly, people think I'm not serious, people have critiqued the way I would do certain things. I've had to realise that not everyone will understand my calling, God gives grace for you to go out into a certain territory and unfortunately people who aren't called to that space usually have a lot of things to say due to projecting their own fears. God had already told me prior that many are going to question me but He would send me a handful of people who understand my calling and who can cover me and continue to encourage me and uplift me. That was enough for me to not really care what anyone says because the FEAR of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. I fear God, not man. I only aim to please God, not man. Fearing God is understanding that you will have to give an account for your gifts one day. Fearing Him is understanding that we are all going to have to give an answer. I cannot say that I failed to do something because of what others said. How can we save those in the dark if we are afraid to enter the dark? There is a way in which you can be in the dark spaces without fellowshipping with the darkness. We are called to be SET APART, but we cannot do that if we are only around people that we like and who are like us.

Ultimately I overcame all my obstacles by ensuring that I was seeking His kingdom before all things, ensuring that I had God at the forefront of everything, reading the Word helped me to debunk all the lies that I was believing from the enemy. I have mentors who keep me accountable, I have intercessors, I have friends who encourage me, I pray for wisdom, discernment and boldness everyday. Ultimately I've always had the heart of an evangelist, this is just another way of doing it. Nothing has changed except the means of doing it. If you are not SURE of what God has said over your life, you will live a life of constantly wavering in the sea of doubt and opinions of man.

How do you balance being sent into what can be seen as predominantly worldly space and keeping your faith?

When I go into these worldly spaces I always enquire. Enquiry is very important to me because I don't do things on this earth for the sake of doing it. I'm not here to be popular or to be famous. I am here on a mission. I have to ask God, God why am I here and what am I meant to be doing? These two questions opens your eyes to see more of the spiritual side of you being at a place. There is ALWAYS a reason for you being in a space. You wanna stay rooted in your faith?

Have fellowship, remain prayerful, remain in your Word. The moment I felt a shift in seasons and I felt as if I was being accelerated, I realised that I had to go even deeper in my relationship with God. More promotion means more prayer, more introspection, more reading and studying, more vulnerability and transparency. I have a mentor who I go to whenever I'm in need of prayer, wise counsel, whenever I am unsure about something. I never want to do this walk without the help of God's people. Sometimes our prayers can be answered by the very people that God has sent into our lives to help push us to our destinies. I also ensure that one way or another people know that I am a Christian because it is easier for me to set boundaries that way and people know through my Instagram that I am because I am very open about it on all my platforms. I've enjoyed studying Daniel lately because I am currently in that season where I am walking in my own Babylon and I am navigating this space in a way where I am being set apart through my wisdom and courage.

What advice would you give a woman to is struggling with self deputy in spite of her being called?

If you ever think to yourself 'why me?' when being sent by God, ask yourself 'why not me?'. Within us resides the same God that created the earths and the heavens, the One who through His wisdom caused everything to be. This is the same God who has given you wisdom and direction to do what you are called to do. My mentor said to me  'Bella, it's not you going into these spaces coming up with the creative ideas and strategy, it's God. Dont worry about the logistics, all you have to do is obey and rest' It was so powerful to me because all this time I realised my doubts were actually lack of faith in God guised under the mask of trying to be 'careful and logical' there is never anything logical about how God operates. It's not logical to use the foolish things to confound the wise. In this world, it's not logical to hire somebody with 'lack of experience' in a field. But GOD is the one who gives you the skills, the gifts, the creative ideas, the strategy. He is the one who trains you. You are simply the vessel.

When you understand that you don't have to put pressure on yourself to be great by yourself but knowing that it is God who is great and He is the one that does all the heavy lifting and all the logistics then we come to a place of complete surrender and walking in our God given calling and with such a confidence because we know who is in control and we know who we have access to. Remember that you are trusted to carry out this work, there is a reason why you were chosen for such a time as this. Whenever the enemy tries to lie to you, remember that you hear from God and that you know Him and that you know He has PERSONALLY sent you because you are ABLE to through Him.


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