Help I’m Christian but I’m Anxious

Feeling anxious or dealing with anxiety is not easy. In fact, it's overwhelming to be overwhelmed by your own feelings, emotions, and thoughts. When you’re believer, if mismanaged, it can be particularly tricky as you navigate your emotionsand faith. It’s easy to quickly feel guilty as you feel like you’re not having faith. Mental and even emotional health isn’toften shied away from. However, we must talk about it because Jesus not only has compassion for our humanity but, He’sgiven us the power to overcome. There’s hope in knowing and believing that. This is what this article is about… navigating your faith when struggling with anxiety. 

My pastor once described depression as a fearful response to the past and anxiety as a fearful response to the future. As someone who has struggled with anxious thoughts and feelings, the thought of what may happen (whether accurate or not) becomes crippling. It’s easy to feel hopeless, alone, and overwhelmed. However, this doesn’t have to be a continuous battle you have to deal with. There's an out. 

I truly believe that God can deliver us in just a moment and He has. This might not be everyone’s story and yes, it’s easy to get what I call testimony envy (when you envy how God has moved in someone else’s life) but, we need to allow God to be glorified in our story, even when we don’t like the how. Nonetheless, God can set you free in a moment and it’shealthy to seek out whether in prayer or going to a trusted spiritual leader to help. 

Another way you can overcome anxiety is by going to therapy. In the same way, we would go to a doctor when our body isn’t well, it’s more than okay to seek out help when our mind and our emotions aren’t well. I recommend seeking out Christian counseling so that you can be guided through this using biblical principles which is super important. 

Anxiety can be embedded in our mindset and can form an intricate framework that becomes intrinsic. Biblically, this is called a stronghold. A stronghold in the natural is a fortified wall to protect a city. Spiritually it is a belief or thought pattern that acts like a fortified wall of the mind. There are both negative and positive strongholds exist, anxiety is obviously a negative one usually stemming from a traumatic experience. This is why the Bible talks about renewing our mind and the power it has to truly transform (Romans 12:2). The way we disarm this stronghold is to work on filling our minds with truth. 

“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ”

It’s interesting how it talks about warfare in one verse, and then imagination, strongholds, and lies occur in our minds. It shows us much of the war we face is first in our mind. The way you overcome this is by filling your mind with the truth of God. Where do we locate the truth of God to dismantle the lies of anxiety? In the word. 

I want to share three Bible verses to meditate on to deal with anxiety:

Be still and know that I am God (Psalms 46:10) 

Stillness is conducive to your knowledge of God being God and that He will be exalted (glorified). If you’re there overthinking you’ll be more concerned about what you think is right and be able to hear God’s will. This is the stillness of your mind and meditating on the goodness and bigness of God.

Cast all your cares upon Him, for He Cares for you (1 Peter 5:7)

No care, anxiety, or burden is too little or too big that God cannot carry. This verse says to cast ALL, not some but all. Surrendering your fears and anxieties gets easier when you realize God cares for you. He wants the best for you. Even when the outcomes don’t align with your desires, trust in His faithful towards you. 

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (1 Corinthians 4:6-7)

These are some of my favorite verses because they implore us to pray when we struggle with anxiety. Bring this anxiety to God in not only prayer letting God know your requests. However, there's a caveat here. Not only should you let your request be made known but, add thanksgiving to it. When you know that God has your best interest at heart you can pray and have gratitude because you KNOW He is working all things for you good. This then allows the peace that surpasses all understanding to guide your minds and hearts against anxiety.

Whilst it's not easy and anxiety is a battle, Jesus promises victory because He took it all on the cross.


Ysabella Grace Sent


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