Mina Doukha Explores the Power of Voice
We sat down with Mina Doukha an evangelist, a businesswoman, and a speaker. We discussed the importance of using your voice. You can watch the full article here.
For those who don't know you? Who are you and what do you?
My name is Mina Doukha. I am first of all a daughter of God and a lover of Jesus! What do I do? I preach the good news, I preach the gospel. I am a business owner. I am also a disciple.
I know one of the things you do is evangelism. How did you get into evangelism?
The call from God, literally. I got saved and then God called me (into purpose) through a vision. Now, how did I get into evangelism? By sitting under the leaders in my church. They trained me, equipped me, and eventually I was sent out.
How did you know you were called to evangelism?
First of all, it was through the vision that God gave me. Secondly, through the word of God. It says in the great commission that we should all go out and preach the gospel. So, it was from then that I knew that it was my mandate to preach the gospel.
So, you mentioned it being in the bible. What are some other reasons you think we should evangelise? Are we all called to evangelise?
Yes! We absolutely are all called to evangelise. Now this doesn't mean that everyone is called to be behind the mic on the street corners. But we are all called to preach and share the gospel in unique ways.
Why is important for us to evangelise?
It's important because evangelism is literally the heartbeat of God. For God so loved the world that He sent his only begotten son, that all those who believe in Him will not perish but receive eternal life. God uses us as instruments to share that message of the good news so that people can be saved.
Were you always comfortable using your voice? If not how did you overcome that?
That's such a good question. I was not at all comfortable using my voice. Especially when it comes to public speaking and it was something I really tried to run away from it. How did I overcome it? I had to surrender. I had to be totally surrendered. Secondly, submitting to leadership being trained and equipped. Also, being encouraged by other believers.
What's the importance of using your voice as a Christian outside of evangelism. You mentioned you're a businesswoman. What are the other ways we can use our voice?
You know the Bible tells us that - that God has given us specific talents and gifts that we're supposed to use and invest in. Being a voice isn't necessarily preaching or being behind a mic but, it can mean through art, music, business, or a magazine as you know. Whatever influence you are called to, I believe you can be a voice. What do I mean by voice? I mean being an impact and an influence for the Kingdom of God.
One of the things that can really hold us back is things like fear and doubt. Did you ever struggle with that? If so, how did you overcome it?
I did, especially at the beginning. Sometimes I still struggle with it. How do you overcome it? By pressing into the presence of God and letting him use you. Fully surrendering. The Bible says his grace is sufficient and his power is perfected in our weakness. So, our weaknesses are ways for God's grace to manifest. Being weak in him and letting Him use us as a fully surrendered vessels.
If you could give any advice about the topic of voices, what would that be?
It would be: Shine your light! The time we have here to push the kingdom of God forward is so limited. So, don't hold back. Perfect your craft, Perfect your art. Whether that's public speaking, if that's music, if that's singing, or if that's business. Go for it!