Laëtitia Dunia Interview: How I Knew My Dream Was From God

1. For those who don’t know you, who are you and what do you do?

I'm Laëtitia Dunia, the Founder and Creative Director of the emerging modern-luxury clothing business Laëtitia Dunia.


Front cover for Magazine with Laëtitia Dunia

2. What was the inspiration for Laetitia Dunia? How did God place it in your heart? 

My engagement dress design process led me to start Laëtitia Dunia. At the time, I was seriously contemplating my career and crying to God for a shift in my life. I had always designed different dresses for events in the past, and in 2020, I designed my friend's wedding dress, but it never dawned on me that I would establish a clothing line. 


On the 7th of September 2021, yes, I remember the date since it was my cousin's birthday! I woke up with a horrible toothache and didn't want to dwell on it, so I went out and bought a sketchbook and tried to sketch. That was the start of my crazy faith journey with LD. 


I realized I wasn't very good at sketching, so I started looking for someone to sketch my designs for me, and there I met my wonderful sketcher Caterina Vio. It was insane that our collection was sketched in less than a month.


3. How did you partner with the vision that God placed within you? 

It was tough to partner with the vision God provided me since I wasn't sure whether it was truly from God for a long time. Prior to LD, I attempted to create a magazine in 2015. I also attempted to launch different styling businesses, ranging from personal styling to bridal styling, but none of them were successful. So, I was afraid that LD would be another project that I would try to launch and then abandon. But God, being God, just armed me with the craziest faith, and I decided to go for it.



4. What are the signs you’re called to do something? What were the signs you were called to do what you’re doing? 

 I always find it difficult to answer this question since many times I thought I was called to do certain things because they seemed right for the season I was in at the time, but they weren't. As God's children, I believe we must simply trust God and allow him to lead. LD now feels like it was always meant to be. When I told my friends and family that I was going to start working on LD, they all stated they couldn't believe they hadn't thought of it sooner. 


I would say that there are times when I doubt myself and want to give up, but God always makes something happen. I either get a random email or a message from a friend or family member asking me about LD. That's when I truly believe God is present. 


Also, the way I feel while working on the brand is insane. I get sudden bursts of inspiration that make me want to jump! I gave LD to God from the beginning, so I am sure that he is holding my hand every step of the road.


5. What words of encouragement do you have for someone entering a market that seems saturated? 

Know your why. Being an entrepreneur is not uncommon in today's world. When I was in university in 2012, young entrepreneurs were like wow! But now, everyone is an entrepreneur, and it's nothing new. You are who you are for a purpose, and the Lord knows why he has placed this thought in your heart; go conquer the world.


6. What’s one piece of advice you’d give to someone who has a God-ordained dream? 

If it's God's will, he knows exactly what he's doing with it. It's difficult to just let go and let God because, as humans, we prefer to know what comes next, right? Right now, I simply want God to show me where he sees LD and when it'll blow, but God doesn't work that way. Throughout my journey, I've come to understand that he does everything in his own perfect time. Isn't it better to live your life in accordance with God's perfect will for you? Have faith in him, he’s got you.


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