How Do I Actually Transform?

We all desire change and fear it simultaneously. We crave it yet we run away from it. We long for it yet dread it. One of the reasons for this is whilst most of us know that there is more to this life and us, the uncertainty of the cost of the pursuit deters us. If I'm honest, change does come at a cost. It comes at the cost of who you currently are and your comfort. For some, that's too costly.

For others, they recognize the prize validates the price. If that's you then this article is for you. Or, if you want to overcome the fear so you can be on the journey of becoming who God has called you to be, then this is a great starting point. 

Understanding the Difference Between Change and Transformation

Firstly, understand what it is that you want. What most of us are striving for is transformation yet we settle for change at best. Whilst using both terms interchangeably may seem like a finicky detail, when you understand the differences it can help you embrace the outcome and the process of becoming the person you’ve always meant to be, because that’s what transformation is actually about. 

Change looks at the actions, habits, or inputs - it can be temporary. For example, your goal might be to transform your body so you change your diet, your routine, and exercise more. It can be the vehicle of transformation but it's not the same. Whereas transformation is the difference in the infrastructure of a person, it is the permanent alteration of your being. It’s the caterpillar finally becoming the butterfly.

You have to decide whether it's change that you want or realignment to who you were always meant to be. This will impact your dedication to the process even when it becomes painful or uncomfortable.

Get Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

The willingness to get uncomfortable is a key trait necessary if you're going to embark on your journey of change. Despite change being daunting, we need to embrace it if we're to truly transform. It ultimately comes down to the discovery of who God intended you to be and walking in it. It’s easier to stop at the knowledge that you’re called but to believe and step into it takes faith and courage. That’s because most of our experiences are in direct opposition to our God-given identities. It’s uncomfortable because it usually requires forsaking what feels natural and patterns that we’ve inherited. 

It also requires, a word frequently used in the Christian community... process. Something that would make me shudder and squirm in the past. Yet, I had to learn to befriend the thing I resented if I was to become more than I was living. 

If we refer back to the caterpillar analogy, going from moving on your belly to going to a cocoon, to the discovery of wings. The results looked nothing like the beginning because there was a dedication to the process. Though uncomfortable and unusual, still necessary.

The process when it comes to transformation often looks like refinement. Another popular Christian term. When we're being refined we're being tried by fire allowing the impurities of our souls and come to the surface. That in itself can be a grueling process. However, like gold when we embrace and endure the fire we come out shining. 

Work on Your Mind and Thoughts

Many of us underestimate the power of our thoughts. It's the starting point of transformation.

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind..." (Romans 12:2)

Transformation happens when your mind has been renewed. Even when God has done work and you've embraced it, if your mind has not yet come into alignment with it you'll be stuck in the old. A part of transforming that is often overlooked is unlearning. We're so eager to learn however the current infrastructure is incapable of supporting the revelation necessary for you to transform.

It's the new wine versus the old wineskin. The old wineskin will burst if new wine is poured into it (Matthew 2:18-22). By changing how you view yourself by finding out in the Bible what God says about you and spending time with your creator you can uproot negative thoughts. 

The Bible tells us exactly what to think about.  "Finally, believers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable and worthy of respect, whatever is right and confirmed by God’s word, whatever is pure and wholesome, whatever is lovely and brings peace, whatever is admirable and of good repute; if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think continually on these things [center your mind on them, and implant them in your heart]." (Philippians 4:8).  

Your thoughts impact your words, attitudes, and actions. All of which have the ability to either hinder your transformation or support it. Don't underestimate the power of your thought. 

Just getting to grips with these three things can help you to begin the process of transformation.


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