2 Fashion Lessons from the Life of Dorcas

By Tolu Karunwi

One thing about Dorcas? Her reputation precedes her. Imagine being known by your entire city for your generosity and the kindness of your heart! Though Dorcas’ story is told in only seven verses, it is impactful, meaningful, and complete.

Let’s get into the fashion shall we? 

There are two verses that point to a universal lesson we can learn from Dorcas: 

Simple and elegant outfit

- 1

“In Joppa, there was a disciple named Tabitha (which is translated Drocas). She was always doing good works and acts of charity.”

- Acts 9:36

Always. It speaks to Dorcas’ consistency in who she showed up as in the lives of those around her. Dorcas clearly lived intentionally, and found ways to make people feel seen and considered through her good works and acts of charity. The fact that this is who she is described as before we learn of her death speaks volumes and establishes why it was imperative for Peter to pay a visit. 

Something that can easily get lost amidst the glitz and glam and fun of fashion is that it is a means of expression and what you express stems from somewhere. What if the root of it was something deeper? What if it showcases the tenor of your heart and where your values lie - especially if like Dorcas you desire to be intentional about what you wear, how you wear it and the message it sends. Dorcas seems to me like a simple woman, one who lived a ‘quiet life’ (1 Thessalonians 4:11) but yet her impact on those who knew her ended up being very loud. 

There is something to understatedness, not seeking for notoriety or approval through a rampant response to every trend that exists. But rather, intropsectively learning about your personal style, crafting it carefully and enjoying fashion in a more meaningful way. Also, as a charitable woman I am pretty sure Dorcas would have been a big fan of sustainable fashion - renting outfits, thrifting, buying pre-loved items, she would have thrived within these spaces. And maybe we can too? Perhaps we can eliminate excess and maximalism by choosing to find ways to help the fashion community and give back where we can by donating clothes that are gathering dust in our closets and seeking more sustainable ways in our interaction with fashion. 

- 2 

“And all the widows approached him, weeping and showing him the robes and clothes that Dorcas had made while she was with them.”

- Acts 9:39b

So our girl Dorcas was creative and tailored items that clearly meant a lot to people. There was tangible evidence of her love for them through the ‘robes and clothes’, other translations mention ‘tunics’ that she made for them. The fact that it was a group of widows who approached Peter is significant because with the loss they experienced, to have evidence that they were still loved was truly special.

Dorcas left a legacy through what she created with her hands, blessing those around her as a result. Now, I know not all of us are skilled at sewing and creating clothes from scratch (though it’s a great activity to try nonetheless!), but we all have special gifts and abilities that God has so graciously given us not for the benefit of ourselves but to showcase His love at work through us in the ways we treat others. Our lights should always shine. (Matthew 5:16)

And circling back to the fashion of it all, what we choose to wear is a way this can happen effectively. Whether it be by choosing to wear bright colours amidst the dullness of this winter season or investing in faith-based brands and testifying to God’s goodness by literally wearing His word, there are a plethora of ways we can allow our fashion choices inspire others, in the same way that Dorcas’ creations clearly inspired and left an indelible mark on the hearts of those widows. 


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