Mastering the Basics: Simplifying Makeup Techniques for Beginners with Raquel Facey

Makeup encompasses a set of fundamental principles that apply to everyone, regardless of skill level. Whether you're just starting out or already a makeup aficionado, certain practices are crucial to achieving any desired look. In this article, we will explore five essential makeup practices, particularly valuable for beginners.

Girl with blusher and makeup on

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Skin Preparation: Laying the Foundation

Just like building a house without a solid foundation, neglecting proper skin prep can undermine your entire makeup routine. Skin preparation forms the basis for flawless makeup application and ensures its longevity. Let's delve into a few fundamental skin prep steps:

  • Serums and Facial Creams: If you have a regular serum or facial cream, such as a vitamin C serum, incorporate it into your routine before anything else.

  • Moisturizer: Choose a moisturizer suitable for your skin type or one that caters to all skin types. Proper moisturization before makeup application is essential, as using the wrong moisturizer can adversely affect the appearance of your makeup over time.

  • Sunscreen: Often overlooked but vital for both skin health and appearance, especially if you have dark spots. Failure to use sunscreen can exacerbate the darkening of these spots, even when using lightening creams. It becomes even more critical to protect these vulnerable areas when using dark spot creams.

  • Primer: The benefits of using a primer are numerous. It provides an optimal surface for makeup adherence, enhances the appearance of your makeup, and prolongs its wear. Think of it as writing on plastic with a washable marker versus writing on paper. One yields better results and longevity.

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Clean Brushes and Tools: The Key to Seamless Application

Maintaining clean brushes and tools is vital to prevent the transfer of oil and bacteria from your face back onto your skin. Neglecting to clean and disinfect your brushes can lead to breakouts and result in a muddy makeup look, as residual old makeup blends with fresh product. Remember to consistently clean your brushes and disinfect your tools

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Foundation: Beyond Shade Selection

Choosing the right foundation involves more than finding the perfect shade. It is crucial to consider your skin type when selecting a foundation. Understanding your skin type will help you choose the appropriate product, not only enhancing its longevity on your face but also providing additional benefits that improve the overall appearance of your makeup.

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Concealer: Playing with Light and Shade

When it comes to concealers, there's a basic rule to follow: shades lighter than your skin tone will brighten the area and provide coverage but can also create the illusion of enlarging the area. Conversely, darker concealer shades will effectively cover and conceal, but they have the opposite effect, making the area appear smaller. Keep these principles in mind when selecting a concealer shade.

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Setting Powder: The Finishing Touch

Many beginners overlook the importance of setting powder, often due to concerns about using the wrong shade or type, which can result in an overly bright or unflattering appearance. As a beginner, it's best to choose a setting powder specifically designed for your skin tone and one that won't create a "flashback" effect when exposed to camera flashes.

Learning the art of makeup is a beautiful journey, and mastering the basics is always a sound approach. To delve deeper into the world of makeup and receive personalized guidance, I invite you to follow my Instagram page @r.laurianna. I offer a comprehensive 3-month Makeup Mastery course where students receive personal assessments and have all their makeup-related queries answered.

With these foundational practices in place, you'll be well on your way to creating stunning makeup looks.


Laura Murillo: Growth


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