How to Improve Your Mood Whilst on Your Period

The cramps have started, and the tender boobs and moodiness have all set in. Which can only mean one thing, it’s that time of the month. Your period has started. With it comes a rush of emotions. Nonetheless, we welcome her every month and attempt to navigate the Russian roulette of symptoms.

So, last month’s period was smooth sailing for me, which was a rare and precious gem. However, this month’s on the other hand, was quite frankly, horrible. I was cramping hard for over a week leaving me in the worst moods. I was snappy, cranky, and short-tempered - I knew it and everyone else around me knew it too.

What are we to do? I know we can’t pick and choose our period symptoms (that would be great wouldn’t it?), but what we can do, which is our motto here, is choose happiness. Now, you might be thinking what does choosing happiness have to do with PMSing? Well, after having a crappy period which made me upset with life in general, I decided to actively try and get myself out of a period funk. Which surprisingly worked! Immediately I thought, I need to share this with the Vie community.

Disclaimer: I can’t promise they’ll work but at the very least I hope they’ll encourage you to find ways to make your period more bearable. Without further ado, here are a few things that I like to do whilst I’m on:


This helped me take my mind off the cramps and onto something productive and fun. I get to put some of the little energy I have into something I get to enjoy. I do find baking therapeutic, I enjoy the smell of it all and it helps me to relax. I especially like it when I get to make and discover new recipes.


This flows very nicely from the point above. I love to treat myself to something sweet when I’m on. I tend to try and eat healthily regularly, but when I start my period I will give myself something to indulge in, and what’s better than eating something you’ve made? It incentivizes me to put my heart and soul into whatever I bake.

Pampering myself

‘Treat yo self! Do a face mask, get your nails done, or get a pedicure. Never underestimate how much pampering can help you feel better and that’s on periodt. See what I did there? You’ll feel refreshed and beautiful. You’ll beat the period blues and be glowing. Plus, you deserve to feel like the Queen you are, no matter the time of the month.


It’s the perfect time to ‘Netflix and Chill’ by yourself. I loved staying in bed and watching something to cheer me up. My go-to is a cartoon, usually from my childhood so I can reminisce, laugh and binge on nostalgia. What makes it better, is I grab some of the freshly baked goods I made, grab a cuddly hot water bottle and I call it night. Taking some time to yourself and just relaxing can make a world of difference to your mood.


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