How Do I Grow Spiritually?

My favorite analogy is when it comes to all things growth is plant life. Obvious? Perhaps. Effective? Most definitely. Consider a plant, any plant. What is a sign that the plant is dying? It's no longer growing or even withering. That can look like stagnation, and stagnation isn't something that we can take lightly because it is death. Now, don't confuse seasons of stillness or pruning (see - another plant metaphor) as stagnancy. They're necessary parts of growth. 

Praying hands

Spiritual growth should be treated similarly to how you would nurture a plant, or how you'd workout at the gym. It takes discipline, commitment, and dedication. However, you will see the fruits of it. Most importantly, you're not doing it alone. You have a friend and counselor who is championing you. The Holy Spirit is in your corner and impressing on your heart the ways that are pleasing to the Lord, and ultimately cause you to grow. As you become sensitive to His nudgings and urgings you'll grow. 

It's important to note as well that God wants you to grow. 

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."

John 15:5

Spiritual growth cannot happen outside of God. You cannot expect godly results in your own strength. You need God. It's in Him you grow and thrive spiritually.

With that being said, there are some things that you can do to help your spiritual growth. As you partner with God and prioritize your spirit, as you're now born of the spirit (John 3:6), you'll see your growth. It's important to note that spiritual growth is unlike physical growth. It's not a consequence of age and time. You don't just grow because you've been in the faith for a long time. It's also not as linear as we think it is. You can undo your growth. Growth in the spirit requires intention. You won't grow if you're lax with it. 

Here are the four things you can do today to start growing spiritually:

Stay in your word 

I know I just said that spiritual growth is unlike physical, however, there are parallels. For example, food is required for growth. That's why we always tell kids "Finish your food!" It gives you energy, strengthens bones, and provides you with vitamins. That's what the word of God does. In the bible, we often see the word of God likened to food. In the same way, bread would satisfy physical hunger, the word of God satiates spiritual hunger.

Spend time reading the bible, and delve into what God is saying to you. The Bible is God's word and is the primary channel through which God speaks. 

Pray, pray, and pray some more!

A prayer is the place where the natural and the supernatural intertwine. Now, it might not always feel that way but thank God we're called to pray in spirit and truth. It's during prayer that we are transformed by the renewing of our minds and that we encounter God's will for us. Be intentional in spending time with God.

Choose the right environment for your growth 

Ask yourself this: is the environment I am in conducive to growth? Certain flowers can't grow in the desert (unless they're a cactus). You're trying to grow but, you're around the old things that once stunted your growth. You can't be in the same places, around the same people, and doing the same things and expect different results. Plant yourself somewhere you can grow. 

Get around the right people

Have you ever heard of the saying: "Show me your five closest friends and I'll show you your future?" Yup, that one. The reason your circle impacts your future and your growth is that the people you keep around you are your influencers. They normalize certain realities, thought patterns, and behaviors. Whether good or bad. Consider Abraham, for him to experience all that God had in store he had to let go of Abraham. What or who do you need to let go of?

As you become intentional with your growth you'll have to make some difficult decisions. There'll be times of pruning or refining so that you can get rid of the old weight and produce much fruit. God wants you to grow and mature in Him. He wants to raise sons and daughters who represent His Kingdom. 

So work on your growth. Be patient and remember that it's a process. God is with you and encouraging you. 


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